SimLab is a process oriented, feature based finite
element modeling software that allows you to
quickly and accurately simulate engineering behavior
of complex assemblies. SimLab automates simulation-
modeling tasks to reduce human errors and time spent
manually creating finite element models and
interpreting results. SimLab is not a traditional
off the shelf Pre and Post processing software but
a vertical application development platform to
capture and automate simulation processes.
Feature based finite-element modeling
High quality mesh rapidly
IsoLine mesh control now applies to geometries with coaxial faces. For parts with cylindrical overlapping, it can be combined with other mesh controls to receive matching nodes across the parts.
Mapped meshing now works for cylindrical faces, not only for planar faces.
Partially meshed faces can be considered; new mesh will be connected to the existing one.
For re-mesh individual elements or elements by edge can be selected. Before, re-meshing was only possible on entire faces.
Axi-symmetric meshing is now applicable to CAD bodies.
Rigid wrap mesh helps to build a connection between two bodies.
Helical gear wheels or springs are created after entering only a few base parameters.
Bolt modeling:
SimLab generates hex bolts including intersecting surfaces to apply pretension or interpret results.
A ring of tetra elements can be created in side bolt holes.
Mesh Geometry Modification:
With the new ‘Replace Face’ functionality, modification of existing meshes became much more efficient. Shell faces defining new geometry can be used to partially re-mesh a solid part. This is useful when changing rib positions or hole diameters.
Fillet loops can be quickly identified and removed.
Efficient Entity Selection:
Select fillet loops with one click.
Find nearby elements by entering a distance.
Show or hide bodies by attached nodes or elements.
Pick only visible entities for CAD models.
Efficient entity picking from selected elements:
Identify elements by face, group or region and organize them into a new solid body.
Grouping of adjacent elements
Element set creation from regions (e.g. cylinder, sphere, box)
Analysis Setup and Solver Support:
AMSES & AMLS support
Comprehensive support of power train features like gasket elements, contact and pretention
Crank Bay model support
Various enhancements for contact setup for solvers OptiStruct, Abaqus and Nastran
ADVC (ADVENTURECluster) interface updates to version 4.0
SimLab post-processing identifies regions over a specified threshold and automatically creates mesh controls to generate finer mesh in these regions (hot spots). For an efficient review the hot spots can be plotted in an x/y-diagram.
The performance in reading Abaqus ODB files has been doubled. The interface now also can read solver generated sets from the ODB file.
Bode and phase plots
ADVC results support for static normal mode and thermal analysis